I don't own a car. I walk, cab, subway, and Uber it everywhere I go. I also run about 25 miles a week. So I have to have boots that will be good to my feet and still look street-friendly. I usually pair all my boots with a good insole too. Here are some great-looking boots, perfect for walking!
1) These No. 6 CLOGS are my go-to boots. (instead of Uggs) I finally got them last winter and lived in them all winter! They are so comfortable, good for your feet, and warm. You can get a high-shaft option, and now they have a mid-shaft option!
2) These FRYE HARNESS BOOTS are my other go-to's - I put an insole in and love them with an over-knee sock. Moto boots in all their varieties are classic. The narrower shaft (and zipper) are so up my alley.
3) These STUART WEITZMANS are insane. Can't wait to get them. A good wedge will give you that height you want and still navigate a curb or cobblestone perfectly. Over the knee? Yes please
4) This SEE BY CHLOE boot's shaft height is the most transitional boot you can wear, from September on. With skinny jeans or tights, I like this toe because it still has a little polish
5) I couldn't pass up on this variation of a 'boot': This ZARA SNEAKER is adorable and will look great all winter long, from a field trip to apple-picking to a late weekday movie.