Tribeca has more restaurants per resident than any other neighborhood in the country. I love to call this place home, but also a little sad that my life isn't cool enough to warrant going out every single night. I am mostly homework and schlepping, and while I love my kids and family, one day my husband and I will be able to go out and enjoy our awesome scene a bit more on the regular. Still, we steal what we can get and get out plenty! Wednesday nights are usually our date nights, because Thursdays are workout rest days and the weekend still has too much going on as a family. This is what I always keep in mind as we go out to eat:
- Dress up on your date. Sounds corny, but put the lipstick on so the message is clear that this is special.
- I drink a liter of water before I get to the restaurant - it quenches my thirst and fills me up a bit so I won't drink too much Diet Coke or go nuts on the appetizers.
- Talk about the kids and the to-do list at dessert, not before! Talking politics or current events or opinions is sexy and fun. Then by dessert you've both pulled out of your heads a bit to look at life stuff with fresh eyes. Plus you get to remember what you love about each other!
- Always always get the tap water in NYC. That stuff is Dew from Heaven and ordering any bottled or even sparkling variety at the table should be means for a one-way ticket to New Jersey. On the bus.
- Get your dressing on the side of your salad! That way you actually taste the food, and the dressing is only its complement, not its bathwater.
- Only get dessert if it speaks to you (or in my case, screams at me telling me to get the brownie sundae), and share it!
- If you can, skip the cab and walk home. It's heavenly after a good meal to go out in the freezing cold and get your blood pumping. It's my favorite part of the date. Well, actually if all goes well, the favorite part will be what's next. bon appétit.
Here are some Date Night clutches to consider- pack your lipstick and your phone, and leave the big purse at home!