PANT / BRACELET / SWEATER / COAT (similar) / SHOE (similar or here)
I'm shivering thinking of taking these pictures. By the time I was done, I couldn't feel my fingers. The temp was in the 20s! Usually my wardrobe has gone into mourning by this time of the year- blacks, greys and greys with blacks. But it felt so refreshing and feminine to put this look together and I'll certainly be doing it more often.
Over the next few posts I'm going to show you the everyday options you can give that 'Statement Pant'. You know the one- a piece you buy for a special event then stick back in the closet waiting for another party. I have several pairs of these, including skirts. But actually nothing is better than pairing a super dressy wardrobe piece and with your everyday items. Perfect for work or other casual scenarios. You get so much more mileage with it- and who doesn't love to throw some 'party' into your weekday?