I don't know about you but 2014 was kind of... meh. Lots of ups and downs. The highs were high, the lows were bleak and sad. I feel like 2014 taught me so much, about myself, my family, and others. I learned so much during this year. One of the best things to come out of 2014, though, was my decision to start this blog in October. It came as a surprise to myself most of all, but I'm sure grateful I did it and I'm so grateful for the support and love I've gotten from so many friends and 'new friends'! Thanks and xoxoxo!
So here we are, on to 2015. Time to be brave, make good goals, organize, and amp up for success and happiness in new forms. Write down new goals you want to achieve, even if they're 100% scary and unfamiliar. Go for it! Send out good karma to others on their journey, too- I'm a huge believer that how you treat people builds up what will come back to you. So make it good, joyful and positive! There's enough success and happiness for everyone so make sure you celebrate others.
I spent all day yesterday with my entire iTunes playlist (think Broadway Showtunes to Jay-Z to Mormon Tabernacle Choir!) organizing my office. I pulled everything out, dusted and cleaned, and was ruthless against any useless item. If I hadn't used it in a year, it was tossed out- even if it was brand new. The NYC rule of thumb is that storing things in your apartment actually costs you - in emotional and mental well-being, and that precious price per square footage. Tell yourself you can re-buy it if you end up needing that jumbo pack of highlighters. In the meantime donate it to the local school and move on. Clean Slate, baby!
Here are some items to get your workspace organized and fabulous for a great 2015.
in the meantime, HAPPY NEW YEAR!
1- Get your coats off the backs of your chairs HERE
2- Matching your office supplies is beautiful and organized and puts you in the right mindset when you sit down HERE
3- Stapler (bonus points for brass staples!) HERE
4- Fresh pencils are sexy HERE
5- Give every piece of paper a home, even if it's just a stopping point to the trash before that bill is paid HERE
6- Every desk top should have something from the fabulous Jonathan Adler - for knick-knacks HERE
7- Something to play with during webinars, by Mr. Adler again - HERE
8- This ruler: You may not know what you need a ruler for, but it's too sweet not to have tucked in your desk HERE
9- This task lamp is perfect with clean lines - just like you will be in 2015! HERE
10- This desk is Gold plated. I know you won't buy it, but you can dream and dreaming is a great way to start 2015 HERE
11- This gorgeous chair means girly business- great price! HERE