When my kids were babies I loved getting together with my playgroup. The camaraderie was so affirming and supportive. But among my girlfriends one thing I never understood was the comment, "Oh I love it when my baby naps, then I get to get stuff done!" Are you kidding? the minute my kids went down for their nap, I did too! Middle of the night feedings, or running around after toddlers, required major energy. I also wanted to be present and awake when my husband came home. So I napped in the day when my babies did. When they woke up I was so happy to see them because I was rested too!
I still love to sleep; whenever I'm stressed or anxious, a nap is my cure. I really think that while I'm sleeping, my brain solves my problems for me, or at the very least calms me and improves my reasoning skills. World Peace could be solved under a big fat duvet, let me tell ya!
These blanket scarves everywhere are heaven. I love the look, and you can layer them over any coat or wear solo. They look like huge overgrown scarves and can be styled so many ways. And perfect for the airplane too. So take a peek at additional options below and snuggle up.
SCARF / JEANS (I distressed an old pair myself!) / BOOTS / SWEATER (similar) / EARRINGS